644 17 32 62 C/ de Balmes, 303, 08006 Barcelona Monday - Friday 8.00 - 20.00
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Our nutrition service is focused on enhancing the comprehensive well-being of our clients and athletes through nutritional education and improving eating habits.

In each session, the corresponding nutritional evaluation, the setting of short and long-term objectives and the design of a personalized nutritional plan are carried out, emphasizing the importance of combining exercise, food and rest, key factors in preventive health.

The nutrition service is aimed at:

People with obesity and overweight


Women in peri- and menopause

Improve your relationship with food

Improve your physical condition (avoid fatigue, tiredness)

Body composition (lower % fat, increase muscle mass)

People with digestive pathologies

People with food allergies and intolerance

People who want to learn to eat better


The Specialists

Yadismira Mendoza

BSc Nutrition and dietetics – Universidad Central de Venezuela

Specialist in eating disorders and obesity IUSC – UAB

Sports nutrition specialist IUSC – Universidad de Cádiz

  • Nutritionist
  • Body composition and sport nutrition
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